After setting the carb for both high and low speed, the Thunder Tiger GP-42 is very easy to tune. Break-in with just two tanks. As Thunder Tiger GP-42 was made with high tech CNC machine, no prolong break-in is needed. I pointed it down the runway. I taxied it and found it need right correction on the tail wire dragger for it to roll straight. After the correction was made, I pushed the throttle to bring it to it's airspeed, it only need a few up elevator trim and right aileron trim to get the four corners levelled. I did a couple of figure eights around the field, I tried a low slow passby. Surprisingly it glides in good characteristics! No tip stalled was observed. Immelmann turn are also good. Thanks to Thunder Tiger GP-42 for it's good high and idle speed responds.
Loops and rolls were look very nice. I tried to climb-up and made spin/roll dive. The spin rate was very fast but predictable. Inverted flight also very stable with just a little down elevator. After eight minutes of flying, I lower down the throttle and made a base leg turn for landing approached. This Extra Sport 30 was very easy to align with the runway. It glides a few inches of the runway and touched down safely. I made three flights today.