Sunday, April 6, 2008

Funfly 6.4.2008

Trex 500

Funfly sponsored by Coca-Cola, he he, he....

Foamy Extra 3D

Preflight check

Some tips from our instructor Atan, khik, khik.. Bulieh takhan ieh...

Manaf jr......... Well done for your first solo..... Practise,practise practise....
Happy landings....

My over powered Skyscrapper made the first take-off and landing here. Why I said over power? It was a 25 size plane fixed with Megatech 46! So fast!!

Mission: To attack Anduki.....!

Atan, nanti tani dogfight Zero vs Spitfire, baru cool!! Rat, tat, tat, tat.....

Spitfire and Zero attact!!!!

My GWS Zero 400 performed well today! Hand launched by Atan. The only trim I did was down elevator for a few clicks and it levels! It flies great even the day a bit windy. I can't believed that it can penetrated the wind easily. (may be because of the thin wing surface) Control responds were good, stall rate also very low and gliding, easy to loop but rolls a bit slow and need more throws adjustment later. Inverted flight with just a little down elevator needed. The CG need to be moved forward a few mm from the original CG as mentioned in the Instruction Manual. Impressive!!

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